Wednesday, September 30, 2009

4 Charged in Chicago Teen's Fatal Beating

A teen ager was killed, and let's look at what Christian Americans think about it. i think we will call this story racist pigs.

AP CHICAGO (Sept. 28) – Cell phone footage showing a group of teens viciously kicking and striking a 16-year-old honors student with splintered railroad ties has ramped up pressure on Chicago officials to address chronic violence that has led to dozens of deaths of city teens each year.
The graphic video of the afternoon melee emerged on local news stations over the weekend, showing the fatal beating of Derrion Albert, a sophomore honor roll student at Christian Fenger Academy High School. His death was the latest addition to a rising toll: More than 30 students were killed last school year, and the city could exceed that number this year. Prosecutors charged four teenagers Monday with fatally beating Albert, who was walking to a bus stop when he got caught up in the mob street fighting, authorities said.
The violence stemmed from a shooting early Thursday morning involving two groups of students from different neighborhoods, said Tandra Simonton, a spokeswoman for the Cook County prosecutor's office. When school ended, members of the groups began fighting near the Agape Community Center.

This is the story. How awful that a young 16 year old was killed. Now brace yourself because this is what Americans have to say about this! Please let us know what you think. Vote for the dumbest comment!
Comment # 1
A. This is a 12 year old trying to be an adult
B. An angry black woman
C. An angry white women
D. A dumb person
Comment # 2
kerou 11:45 AMSep 29 2009 DOES ANYONE KNOW why OBAMA was allowed to cancel prayer day, because it might offend some ..but saw it fit to have 50,000 muslins pray on the white house lawn just 2 weeks after 9/11..Sept 25, 2009.
A. This is an angry white woman
B. Mentally ill
C. A cold hearted witch
D. A cold hearted white mentally ill witch
Comment #3
ALLYN 11:47 AMSep 29 2009 80 percent of crime against black people is perpetrated by black people. But heaven forbid any of them pointing fingers at their own kind. Why they would have to rat on their own kind or turn in their friends sons or daughters. Why that's my BFF's brother or that's my fellow choir members nephew. Well it will continue untill they start reforming thier own culture to address these issues.
A. Pig
B. Racist pig
C. Mentally challenged
D. Sicko
Comment # 4
Assassin 11:15 AMSep 29 2009 Yet again, Blacks... This will never change. Black parents need to learn how to control their children when they are young. For example black parents in a shopping center will curse, beat, sometime abuse their children in front of everyone and humiliate them. The child later on learns that this is the right behavior and they will continue to do this through life. Now a normal, educated parent who is at a shopping center sees their child misbehaving, they will handle it by giving the child a time out, talking to them in a respectable manner but still scolding them for what they did in a NORMAL WAY and not beating them or embarrassing them in a public setting. Black parents, please visit websites or see a professional and get tips on how to raise children because you will turn AMERICA into a zoo.
This is equally as awful and Kathy
This is so crazy let's give the readers a chance to vote.
A. Mentally Ill
B. Mentally Retarded
C. Racist Pig
D. Young child sneaking on mommies computer

You pick the comment and then which letter you think!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Clinton Changes Mind on Gay Marriage

Here is the story:
(Sept. 26) -- Former President Bill Clinton has revealed he recently had a change of heart on the issue of same-sex marriage.
In an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper Friday, Clinton explained that he still believes each state should decide whether to legalize gay marriage, but he is no longer personally opposed to it.

“I think if people want to make commitments that last a lifetime, they ought to be able to do it," Clinton said.
"I was against the constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage nationwide, and I still think that the American people should be able to play this out in debates," the former president added. "But me, Bill Clinton personally, I changed my position."
Asked what caused him to switch his stance, Clinton said he realized his support for other gay-rights issues -- such as adoption rights for same-sex couples -- didn't square with his position on marriage.
"I realized that I was over 60 years old. I grew up in a different time ... and I was hung up about it," Clinton said. "I decided I was wrong."

Okay now here we go folks. Keep in mind, this makes holly rollers look pretty out there, but what the heck, they are....

Comment #1
MusicCit 03:09 PMSep 26 2009 Those who agree with Clinton are saying its ok for a father to have sex with his own daughter. Gays say, its their chosen lifestyle so, leave them alone. If you buy that bologna then, you have to buy a fathers same statement about haveing sex with his own daughter - its his chosen lifestyle so, leave him alone. Very same reasoning. I dont know about you ( unless you are kinky) but, I dont want one thing stuck up my
A. A wanna be mucis pro
B. A frustrated homosexual
C. A good old boy who does hate crimes
D. A man that likes things stuck up his rear.

Comment #2
MIKEb : be HONEST and realize that if the parents of gays were also gay we wouldn't have to listen to the crap from gays. they wouldn't exist! they'd have never been born! that in itself out to PROVE gay rights should be abolished PERMANETLY! gay means no birth!!!!!!! gay means murdering what would have been a child born into a normal life. Now tell me gay is ok and explain to me where i'm wrong!!!
A. A man who comes from two gay fathers
B. A man who has spent too much time in the closet
C. A woman who thinks she's Mike
D. A child who is playing

Comment #3
Finleyelizab01:48 PMSep 26 2009 IT is wrong wrong. read your bible. i was shock to hear Bill Clinton say i change my mind. I will say i have changed my mind big time about Bill Clinton. I thought he was a Christian. You either believe what the whole bible tells you .you can't pick and choose. It is a sin. thats it ! If you are not a Christian then you don't know better i guess but if you are a Christian you do know it is wrong for man to be with man and woman to be with woman. read Genesis 19: 1-29 tellsyou what happen. Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed.
A. Devil worshiper
B. A sinner
C. An athiest gone crazy
D. One of those kinds of christians

Comment #4
Pastorp 26 2009 judgement at death originated in the egytpian book of the dead. gates and all. look it upJudgment does not happen at death. After Christ returns- which from the looks of things could be any moment, ALL the dead will stand before God. The righteous will come with Him to His eternal Heaven and the unrighteous will be banished to everlasting Hell. Bad news is- We're all unrighteous. God news is (Meaning of word gospel) Christ died as our sacrifice . If we choose to we can have that death make us righteous. It is the ONLY thing that can. Repent and believe.
A. An escapee from the mental hopsital
B. The son of a preacher man
C. Believes God is a sexual being

D. A 59 year old virgin

Comment #5
Rhy 02:06 PMSep 26 2009 another unbeliever...what a shame...the BIBLE clearly speaks of marriage between a man and a woman...for the two shall become one... it is representive of the marriage between the Bridegroom and the church...JESUS CHRIST is the Bridegroom. those who have the oil in their lamps, which is the indwelling of the HOLY SPIRIT, are the church, the HOLY SPIRIT seals us to HIM.the carnal mind is enmity against GOD...repent of your sins and be born again, becoming born of the SPIRIT...spiritually minded., so that you will not do the things you did before you were saved.
A. Has never read the bible
B. Read the bible but doesn't know what it says
C. Believes on Mondays and Thursday they are the holy spirit
D. Believes they married Jesus Christ is a Bridegroom (ooppps they do thaink that)

You pick the comment and letter come on vote!