Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cher Supports Daughter Chaz's Sex Change

The first sex change was in 1930 and very well publicized. So it is amazing to me that people act so ignorant around this topic. When I was 11 years old, I went to the state fair and saw Sony and Cher. I watched their TV show and watched Chastity come out each week waving. This is what I grew up with, and thirty decades later, I really don’t care what Chastity does or Cher, because I honor their decision. So with out any further delay,
Let’s honor people say stupid things.

The Story

PopEater June 18, 2009- Marking the first public statement since her daughter Chastity Bono -- now Chaz Bono -- announced that she was undergoing a sex change, Cher is coming out to lend words of support for her daughter. Cher says that Chaz is going through "a difficult journey, but one that I will support," and says that she respects "the courage it takes to go through this transition in the glare of public scrutiny, and although I may not understand, I will strive to be understanding," in a statement to

The comments

Comment #1
ElmireRod said, “hopefully it will die from the anastesia, and we will never have to hear from it again. Cher should be hung by the teats for supporting this. Maybe she wants to be a man too. Anyone who would change the way god made them is sick. God does NOT make mistakes. like it or not. I feel bad for sonny, he must be spinning in his grave over this. sick, sick, sick. it's one thing to be gay/lesbian, another to change your sex, which is COMPLETELY abnormal.
A. Has been mildly impaired in 2007 after too much anastesia from a surgery.
B. Has a picture of Chaz hanging in the room
C. Owns all of Cher's records
D. Owns all of the Sony and Cher DVD collections

Comment #2
Sktmastr- Now isn't that special?? The faggot wants a sex change so nobody will call HER a faggot anymore??? Hey Cher?? A trimester abortion would have made more sense??? Now we have another freak on the streets that is still a queer and a faggot!!! Do us all a favor Chastity?? Drop dead on the operating table and we won't have to deal with this bullsh-t anymore!!!! What's next?? A sex change for the Owe Bamma's dog???
A. Secretly desires a sex change
B. Secretly desires women who have had a sex change
C. Secretly desires men who have had a sex change
D. Secretly has had a sex change

Comment #3
Drivnmenut said “ If a vile pig like that committed suicide, it would be doing the world a favour, so don't tell me about it. Next thing you will hear is that sonny molested it, false accusations against it's dead father, mark my word.”
A. Currently changing medications
B. Currently needs medications
C. Currently took the wrong medications
D. No medications can work for people like this

Comment #4
Howrdroark stated “i don't know what's creepier, chastity bono's man-chick slice 'n dice or obama's bluish-purpley lips... ** piss shivers **”
A. An active alocholic
B. An active meth head
C. An 11 year old boy trying to be 14
D. Brain damaged

You pick the comment and letter for who is the dumbest of all

Monday, June 8, 2009

Gays in Military

Nothing will bring more stupid people than topics such race, religion, abortion and gays. Today the topic was the military keeping their policy of don’t ask Don’t tell. Well I have to tell you, there are people out there who just don’t get it. I believe we should have the same thing for stupid people. Don’t ask don’t tell. Some of the comments today were quite funny and reminds us all how far we have NOT come with open mindedness. Enjoy folks…..think we have some great stupid people today.

The story:
Court Upholds 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' By LARA JAKES
WASHINGTON (June 8, 2009) -- The Supreme Court on Monday agreed with the Obama administration and upheld Pentagon policy barring gays and lesbians from serving openly in the military. The court said it will not hear an appeal from former Army Capt. James Pietrangelo II, who was dismissed under the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. The federal appeals court in Boston earlier threw out a lawsuit filed by Pietrangelo and 11 other veterans. He was the only member of that group who asked the high court to rule that the Clinton-era policy is unconstitutional.

The comments

Comment #1
Its a health issue. The millitary has just a Little Blood letting at times and if a gay is on the front line with a gaping chest wound, what person in his right mind would expose himself to AIDS. He would probibly end up laying there untill the proper contamination equipment could be found.

A. Military wont let him in
B. Has had multiple affairs with his military "buddies"
C. never finished grade school
D. Thinks you can get AIDS rom a toilet seat

Comment # 2
Lobo Said: It's bad enough too have to worry about the enemy trying too kill you, do you also have too worry that your foxhole buddy might have the hot's for you? Gays don't just stick to other gays, they're always looking too convert someone. I don't know any straight man who enjoys being hit on by a gay man. They might tolerate it for social reasons, but its a disgusting lifestyle too straights, just like the gays hate us "breeders". When and IF gay marriage is allowed in ALL states, then maybe the military will feel comfortable changing the rules. The Muslims already think were a deviant society, bring the gays on board, and they'll have a point.

A. Married a gay muslim woman
B. Wife left him for a woman
C. Boyfriend left him for a woman
D. Hits on gay men as a hobby

Comment #3
What ever become the QUEERS!!!!! ? I think society has it wrong by buffeting the people whom claim to be so called "Gay". Would it not be proper to call them "Queers" So they can be better identified by all and stand proud like they used to in their own closet apparently playing with themselves and their like kind.??? God forbid these people are"SICK"........

A. Was called queer all through high school
B. Lives in his closet

C. Wears a rainbow headband when jogging
D. Is seeing a gay counselor

Saimin said: Was it the last 12 or 16 Romans Emperors and their Army generals were homosexuals. The downfall of the Roman Empire did come from without, but within. You want to destroy the U.S. Military, let homosexuality be legal. Maybe one of the reason that God calls homosexuality "An Abomination."

A. Is still a virgin at 62 he is afraid of his own sexuality
B. Believes gays really do get toaster ovens when they convert others
C. Thinks homosexuality is illegal
D. Thinks pot is legal

Thank you for this comment.
How queer of all of you that are afraid of gays to make fun of them...I spent 7 long years of my life fighting for the country I love. I came home busted up, shot up, and broke down so people could voice their thoughts FREELY. Well guess what I like thousands of other men and women who served in the 60's and 70's served right next to gays and lesbians and 99% of us did not care. Why? Because when it came right down to it we had a job to do and we did it. We were trained to do it and did! Just as our fighting people do today. Just because your body and your "sex" may not match does not mean that you can be any less of a military person - if it did you washed out in boot camp. Right now people we need to keep religion, and government apart and learn to get along now more than ever. Quit fighting over the small things, they will work out in time - we need to pull together as a nation now. PS - no I am not gay or bi I am a married man of 27 years with 5 daughters, A Mason and a Shriner.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The people of Mexico have been on the North American continent for tens of thousands of years. Still we white people seem to think that they are on our land, when we took it from them. Then again we live in America for the most part, if you are not white and Christian, Americans tend to attack. In fact, In May 1990, three white men in suburban San Diego were drinking beer. After a while, one said he wanted to "shoot some aliens." From a house on the United States-Mexico border, one man, using a high-powered rifle, shot and killed a twelve-year-old Mexican youngster attempting to cross the border. The man was sentenced only to two years in jail for involuntary manslaughter. It is stories like this that remind me what America is made of ---hate and fear. So let’s read the next load of comments from real Americans.

The story

Day Care Fire Kills 31 Children in Mexico By OLGA R. RODRIGUEZ

MEXICO CITY (June 6, 2007) - A fast-moving fire killed 31 children in a day care center in northern Mexico despite desperate attempts of firefighters who punched through the walls and fought their way through flames to rescue babies, toddlers and others trapped inside. At least 25 children and five employees were hospitalized after Friday's fire in ABC day care in the city of Hermosillo, said Jose Larrinaga, a spokesman for investigators in the state of Sonora, which borders Arizona.

Comment #1
Rescue Me 99 said: Its called "Thinning the Herd"...the less future immigrates coming to the US who refuse to work and speak ENGLISH the better....They will just make more babies any how..they probably have 35 babies in each family, by 35 different daddys already...35 less cases of E-Coli, swine flu, aids, herpes, welfare, and big loss...
A: Has been kicked out of childrens hospitals for misconduct
B. Laughed when 911 happened
C. Hates children
D. Is a child

Comment # 2
KatLadi said: They are Mexican kids people and should stay in Mexico. It is part of the reason why California is broke because our stupid goverment keeps feeding and medically treating Illegal mexicans. You know we will get stuck paying the bill !!! by higher copays and premiums to where I cant take my own kid to the doctor. When they don't sneak over here and get ourmoney, they bring em over here, Mexico has to learn how to take care of their own. I know lot will be mad at me for this, but I don't care. It's ashame I don't have a say in where my tax dollars go !
A. Her daughter is dating a Hispanic man
B. Is hispanic woman
C. Wants a Hispanic man
D. Married a illegal hispanic man

Comment #3
Three brats who wont be sneaking into this welfare for you.....all they need now is some bbq sympathy at all for them people.....should have been 100 of them....and i hope you peope get mad at me.....i hate the little wetback river jumpers.......
A. Graduated 7th grade
B. Is in 7th grade
C. Never seen 7th grade
D. Mentally ill

Comment #4
Confiscate all their possessions------make them wait 10 years before being eligable for citizenship as they are already criminals. freeze all immigration of scum from south of the border until real American taxpayers have their jobs back.-----imprison any employer that hires illegal aliens. --- make illegal alien bordercrossing a felony so illegals can be shot. beginning with striped bass and illegal ar spicklett anchorbaby of illegals----all pigs.

A. Been arrested twice for smuggling illegals
B. Hires smugglers
C. Hires illegals for his business
D. Married to an illegal

Comment #5
Its called "Thinning the Herd"...the less future immigrates coming to the US who refuse to work and speak ENGLISH the better....They will just make more babies anyhow..they probably have 35 babies in each family, by 35 different daddys already...35 less cases of E-Coli, swine flu, aids, herpes, welfare, and big loss...

A. Arrested twice for hate crimes against children
B. Racist
C. Racist pig
D. Oppps arrested again for crimes against children
I have been saving some of the comments I have found for three or four years now. Some of the stories and comments were just too good not to keep. Keep in mind, we have not changed the spelling, we have just removed the screen name to protect the posters. Let’s go down memory lane to August 2007.

Astronomers Find Huge Hole in Universe By SETH BORENSTEIN, 8-25 2007

Astronomers have stumbled upon a tremendous hole in the universe. That's got them scratching their heads about what's just not there. The cosmic blank spot has no stray stars, no galaxies, no sucking black holes, not even mysterious dark matter. It is 1 billion light years across of nothing. That's a giant expanse of nearly 6 billion trillion miles of emptiness, a University of Minnesota team announced Thursday. Astronomers have known for many years that there are patches in the universe where nobody's home. In fact, one such place is practically a neighbor, a mere 2 million light years away. But what the Minnesota team discovered, using two different types of astronomical observations, is a void that's far bigger than scientists ever imagined. "This is 1,000 times the volume of what we sort of expected to see in terms of a typical void," said Minnesota astronomy professor Lawrence Rudnick, author of the paper that will be published in Astrophysical Journal. "It's not clear that we have the right word yet ... This is too much of a surprise."

The comments

Comment #1
When men try to destroy the planet the planet will destroy them first. Basis Bible 101. Jesus said that god is love and that the men is the head in the house but not to be described as being a dictaitor in the house, have to honor you wife, that you have to care of your kid thats one part of the creation. like JESUS is Following JEHOVA --thats why he said my father send me here ,so I save you all. Anyone that talk bad about you is not part of me JESUS said. and why the muslin people are so mad like this scientifics that discover new galaxis and bitch about destruction ,Bla , Bla , Bla God is not a destructed god he will destroy those that destroy and will ruing those that ruing the earth. Where the OIL come from like 69% ? From the arab world. well muslins… god is every pissed off at you.

A.Never been to church
B.Thinks the Bible is a good paper weight
C.Just learned how to spell G-O-D
D. Mentally ill

Comment# 2
it is clear that Heaven indeed is invading earth, the draw of the Glory of the drawing heaven to earth, explianing the fluke weather, and is causing the powers of Darkness to manifest . it's very exciting to know our longing for our Lord is drawing him...and Maybe jusdt Maybe the vast nothing is indeed outter Darkness?

A.Was a Tammy Faye follower
B. Is Tammy Faye
C. Thinks Tammy Faye is cute
D. Who is Tammy Faye?

Comment# 3

The reality is that Hell will happen when Jesus return and all evil people will be destry after the first milenium.. but let me tell you what is going on with this Big Empty Hole.. that is the path that will be use by Jesus to return with all his angels and power.. we are close to the end that is why God allow human been to see that Hole now.

A. Digs big empty holes
B. Lives in a big empty hole
C. Plays with their big empty hole
D. What empty hole?

Comment #4
What happens when you cut a big ol fart in an elevator full of people? Everyoneleaves. That's what happened here. God had a BIG bowl of baked beans bakedby 24 angelic beings and those beans were Heavenly. He was so full He took anap and in His sleep He cut a BIG ol fart. Well, that part of Heaven CLEARED OUT!

A. Sniffs his own farts
B. Believes in the second coming of farts
C. Is a fartologist
D. Needs a fartologist

Friday, June 5, 2009

Obama and the Muslims

Okay folks, here is the headline: Obama Reaches Out to Muslim World

The first two paragraphs
CAIRO (June 4) -- Quoting from the Quran for emphasis, President Barack Obama called for a "new beginning between the United States and Muslims" Thursday and said together, they could confront violent extremism across the globe and advance the timeless search for peace in the Middle East. "This cycle of suspicion and discord must end," Obama said in a widely anticipated speech in one of the world's largest Muslim countries, an address designed to reframe relations after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and the U.S.-led war in Iraq.

No brace yourself, because here are the comments, these are real comments, just their names have been removed but their comments show that People say the stupidest things.

The comments
Post 1 (First place)
I just wonder if it's occurred to the "feminist" community that by reaching out the Muslim world, Obama has thrown them down a well? In their zeal to promote abortion, has it occurred to those "ladies" that in the Muslim world they can be aborted at any age?

(What does this have to do with the story? This could be a side effect of too many abortions)

Post 2
OBAMA's FRIENDS THE US BLACK MOSLEMS CLAIM THE HOLECOUST NEVER HAPPENED. Obama hates unborn babies, white children, white families, and America.....ON TOP OF THAT HE READS FROM A TELEPROMPTER!!!!!

(Can you say stupid is as stupid does this is a close second)

Post 3

Obama is a muslim,his step father was a muslim ,and his father is a muslim.This man is not black,he is arabic.He is only 10% negro,the rest is white and arabic. It's kinda funny how they duped black voters into thinking this guy represents them.

(Oppps this guy need to stop mixing beer with his antipsychotic medication )

Post 4

Normal American cannot live with the OBAMA SATANIC CULT in the same nation. The liberty and freedom loving people deserve their own homeland right here in North America. Plebisites should be held in each of the 57 states to decide who wants to form a different Union. Normal American cannot debate or reason with the Schizophrenics who have gained control of this Superpower. The world should fear a nation of Schizophrenics armed with nuclear tipped ICBMs.

( Schizophrenia at its best.)

Post 5
Wait till some rag head rapes you and all the women you know and if you say anything, you damn head is laying in the gutter. Love him all you want but I did not spend 22 years in the USMC defending this country so some black ass ****** could sell it to the jihadists

(Someone who never served a day in military but watched some good war movies)

Most Intelligent post of the day

I have to laugh at all the Liberals insulting the republicans, and I laugh at all the republicans insulting the liberals. This bipartisan system of government is what holds America back from being a truly great country. All of the people making verbal attacks against another party are uneducated and should not be allowed to vote. What is the point of slinging around words like redneck and socialist? Are all republicans rednecks? Are all liberals socialist? You people should think before you speak, and choose your words carefully lest you look like a fool.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Hello and Welcome

Let’s face it, people say the stupidest things. They really do. I have been following the message boards for years now and saving the most outrageous statements. Since they are posted publicly, then it is open for the public to read I have made it not only a hobby but a tool I use to teach classes so students can learn how people really think. I also enjoy passing comments around either for a good belly laugh. Or a sad reminder how hateful and mean people can be. I finally have decided that there has got to be a place where people can read the most obscure comments that people make. This page goes to show you, people say the stupidest things.

With each post keep in mind nothing was changed, not even the spelling, the only thing we have done is removed the posters screen name for their own protection and of course to save them embracement.

Please feel free to send us the comments you feel are stupid and let's give people the stupid comment award. If you are one of the people who's comment has been used, think twice before posting in public stupid things!
Have fun America and by all means please send us stupid posts we'd love to hear from you.