Friday, June 5, 2009

Obama and the Muslims

Okay folks, here is the headline: Obama Reaches Out to Muslim World

The first two paragraphs
CAIRO (June 4) -- Quoting from the Quran for emphasis, President Barack Obama called for a "new beginning between the United States and Muslims" Thursday and said together, they could confront violent extremism across the globe and advance the timeless search for peace in the Middle East. "This cycle of suspicion and discord must end," Obama said in a widely anticipated speech in one of the world's largest Muslim countries, an address designed to reframe relations after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and the U.S.-led war in Iraq.

No brace yourself, because here are the comments, these are real comments, just their names have been removed but their comments show that People say the stupidest things.

The comments
Post 1 (First place)
I just wonder if it's occurred to the "feminist" community that by reaching out the Muslim world, Obama has thrown them down a well? In their zeal to promote abortion, has it occurred to those "ladies" that in the Muslim world they can be aborted at any age?

(What does this have to do with the story? This could be a side effect of too many abortions)

Post 2
OBAMA's FRIENDS THE US BLACK MOSLEMS CLAIM THE HOLECOUST NEVER HAPPENED. Obama hates unborn babies, white children, white families, and America.....ON TOP OF THAT HE READS FROM A TELEPROMPTER!!!!!

(Can you say stupid is as stupid does this is a close second)

Post 3

Obama is a muslim,his step father was a muslim ,and his father is a muslim.This man is not black,he is arabic.He is only 10% negro,the rest is white and arabic. It's kinda funny how they duped black voters into thinking this guy represents them.

(Oppps this guy need to stop mixing beer with his antipsychotic medication )

Post 4

Normal American cannot live with the OBAMA SATANIC CULT in the same nation. The liberty and freedom loving people deserve their own homeland right here in North America. Plebisites should be held in each of the 57 states to decide who wants to form a different Union. Normal American cannot debate or reason with the Schizophrenics who have gained control of this Superpower. The world should fear a nation of Schizophrenics armed with nuclear tipped ICBMs.

( Schizophrenia at its best.)

Post 5
Wait till some rag head rapes you and all the women you know and if you say anything, you damn head is laying in the gutter. Love him all you want but I did not spend 22 years in the USMC defending this country so some black ass ****** could sell it to the jihadists

(Someone who never served a day in military but watched some good war movies)

Most Intelligent post of the day

I have to laugh at all the Liberals insulting the republicans, and I laugh at all the republicans insulting the liberals. This bipartisan system of government is what holds America back from being a truly great country. All of the people making verbal attacks against another party are uneducated and should not be allowed to vote. What is the point of slinging around words like redneck and socialist? Are all republicans rednecks? Are all liberals socialist? You people should think before you speak, and choose your words carefully lest you look like a fool.

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