Monday, June 1, 2009

Hello and Welcome

Let’s face it, people say the stupidest things. They really do. I have been following the message boards for years now and saving the most outrageous statements. Since they are posted publicly, then it is open for the public to read I have made it not only a hobby but a tool I use to teach classes so students can learn how people really think. I also enjoy passing comments around either for a good belly laugh. Or a sad reminder how hateful and mean people can be. I finally have decided that there has got to be a place where people can read the most obscure comments that people make. This page goes to show you, people say the stupidest things.

With each post keep in mind nothing was changed, not even the spelling, the only thing we have done is removed the posters screen name for their own protection and of course to save them embracement.

Please feel free to send us the comments you feel are stupid and let's give people the stupid comment award. If you are one of the people who's comment has been used, think twice before posting in public stupid things!
Have fun America and by all means please send us stupid posts we'd love to hear from you.

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