Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cher Supports Daughter Chaz's Sex Change

The first sex change was in 1930 and very well publicized. So it is amazing to me that people act so ignorant around this topic. When I was 11 years old, I went to the state fair and saw Sony and Cher. I watched their TV show and watched Chastity come out each week waving. This is what I grew up with, and thirty decades later, I really don’t care what Chastity does or Cher, because I honor their decision. So with out any further delay,
Let’s honor people say stupid things.

The Story

PopEater June 18, 2009- Marking the first public statement since her daughter Chastity Bono -- now Chaz Bono -- announced that she was undergoing a sex change, Cher is coming out to lend words of support for her daughter. Cher says that Chaz is going through "a difficult journey, but one that I will support," and says that she respects "the courage it takes to go through this transition in the glare of public scrutiny, and although I may not understand, I will strive to be understanding," in a statement to

The comments

Comment #1
ElmireRod said, “hopefully it will die from the anastesia, and we will never have to hear from it again. Cher should be hung by the teats for supporting this. Maybe she wants to be a man too. Anyone who would change the way god made them is sick. God does NOT make mistakes. like it or not. I feel bad for sonny, he must be spinning in his grave over this. sick, sick, sick. it's one thing to be gay/lesbian, another to change your sex, which is COMPLETELY abnormal.
A. Has been mildly impaired in 2007 after too much anastesia from a surgery.
B. Has a picture of Chaz hanging in the room
C. Owns all of Cher's records
D. Owns all of the Sony and Cher DVD collections

Comment #2
Sktmastr- Now isn't that special?? The faggot wants a sex change so nobody will call HER a faggot anymore??? Hey Cher?? A trimester abortion would have made more sense??? Now we have another freak on the streets that is still a queer and a faggot!!! Do us all a favor Chastity?? Drop dead on the operating table and we won't have to deal with this bullsh-t anymore!!!! What's next?? A sex change for the Owe Bamma's dog???
A. Secretly desires a sex change
B. Secretly desires women who have had a sex change
C. Secretly desires men who have had a sex change
D. Secretly has had a sex change

Comment #3
Drivnmenut said “ If a vile pig like that committed suicide, it would be doing the world a favour, so don't tell me about it. Next thing you will hear is that sonny molested it, false accusations against it's dead father, mark my word.”
A. Currently changing medications
B. Currently needs medications
C. Currently took the wrong medications
D. No medications can work for people like this

Comment #4
Howrdroark stated “i don't know what's creepier, chastity bono's man-chick slice 'n dice or obama's bluish-purpley lips... ** piss shivers **”
A. An active alocholic
B. An active meth head
C. An 11 year old boy trying to be 14
D. Brain damaged

You pick the comment and letter for who is the dumbest of all

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