Monday, June 8, 2009

Gays in Military

Nothing will bring more stupid people than topics such race, religion, abortion and gays. Today the topic was the military keeping their policy of don’t ask Don’t tell. Well I have to tell you, there are people out there who just don’t get it. I believe we should have the same thing for stupid people. Don’t ask don’t tell. Some of the comments today were quite funny and reminds us all how far we have NOT come with open mindedness. Enjoy folks…..think we have some great stupid people today.

The story:
Court Upholds 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' By LARA JAKES
WASHINGTON (June 8, 2009) -- The Supreme Court on Monday agreed with the Obama administration and upheld Pentagon policy barring gays and lesbians from serving openly in the military. The court said it will not hear an appeal from former Army Capt. James Pietrangelo II, who was dismissed under the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. The federal appeals court in Boston earlier threw out a lawsuit filed by Pietrangelo and 11 other veterans. He was the only member of that group who asked the high court to rule that the Clinton-era policy is unconstitutional.

The comments

Comment #1
Its a health issue. The millitary has just a Little Blood letting at times and if a gay is on the front line with a gaping chest wound, what person in his right mind would expose himself to AIDS. He would probibly end up laying there untill the proper contamination equipment could be found.

A. Military wont let him in
B. Has had multiple affairs with his military "buddies"
C. never finished grade school
D. Thinks you can get AIDS rom a toilet seat

Comment # 2
Lobo Said: It's bad enough too have to worry about the enemy trying too kill you, do you also have too worry that your foxhole buddy might have the hot's for you? Gays don't just stick to other gays, they're always looking too convert someone. I don't know any straight man who enjoys being hit on by a gay man. They might tolerate it for social reasons, but its a disgusting lifestyle too straights, just like the gays hate us "breeders". When and IF gay marriage is allowed in ALL states, then maybe the military will feel comfortable changing the rules. The Muslims already think were a deviant society, bring the gays on board, and they'll have a point.

A. Married a gay muslim woman
B. Wife left him for a woman
C. Boyfriend left him for a woman
D. Hits on gay men as a hobby

Comment #3
What ever become the QUEERS!!!!! ? I think society has it wrong by buffeting the people whom claim to be so called "Gay". Would it not be proper to call them "Queers" So they can be better identified by all and stand proud like they used to in their own closet apparently playing with themselves and their like kind.??? God forbid these people are"SICK"........

A. Was called queer all through high school
B. Lives in his closet

C. Wears a rainbow headband when jogging
D. Is seeing a gay counselor

Saimin said: Was it the last 12 or 16 Romans Emperors and their Army generals were homosexuals. The downfall of the Roman Empire did come from without, but within. You want to destroy the U.S. Military, let homosexuality be legal. Maybe one of the reason that God calls homosexuality "An Abomination."

A. Is still a virgin at 62 he is afraid of his own sexuality
B. Believes gays really do get toaster ovens when they convert others
C. Thinks homosexuality is illegal
D. Thinks pot is legal

Thank you for this comment.
How queer of all of you that are afraid of gays to make fun of them...I spent 7 long years of my life fighting for the country I love. I came home busted up, shot up, and broke down so people could voice their thoughts FREELY. Well guess what I like thousands of other men and women who served in the 60's and 70's served right next to gays and lesbians and 99% of us did not care. Why? Because when it came right down to it we had a job to do and we did it. We were trained to do it and did! Just as our fighting people do today. Just because your body and your "sex" may not match does not mean that you can be any less of a military person - if it did you washed out in boot camp. Right now people we need to keep religion, and government apart and learn to get along now more than ever. Quit fighting over the small things, they will work out in time - we need to pull together as a nation now. PS - no I am not gay or bi I am a married man of 27 years with 5 daughters, A Mason and a Shriner.

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