Saturday, June 6, 2009

I have been saving some of the comments I have found for three or four years now. Some of the stories and comments were just too good not to keep. Keep in mind, we have not changed the spelling, we have just removed the screen name to protect the posters. Let’s go down memory lane to August 2007.

Astronomers Find Huge Hole in Universe By SETH BORENSTEIN, 8-25 2007

Astronomers have stumbled upon a tremendous hole in the universe. That's got them scratching their heads about what's just not there. The cosmic blank spot has no stray stars, no galaxies, no sucking black holes, not even mysterious dark matter. It is 1 billion light years across of nothing. That's a giant expanse of nearly 6 billion trillion miles of emptiness, a University of Minnesota team announced Thursday. Astronomers have known for many years that there are patches in the universe where nobody's home. In fact, one such place is practically a neighbor, a mere 2 million light years away. But what the Minnesota team discovered, using two different types of astronomical observations, is a void that's far bigger than scientists ever imagined. "This is 1,000 times the volume of what we sort of expected to see in terms of a typical void," said Minnesota astronomy professor Lawrence Rudnick, author of the paper that will be published in Astrophysical Journal. "It's not clear that we have the right word yet ... This is too much of a surprise."

The comments

Comment #1
When men try to destroy the planet the planet will destroy them first. Basis Bible 101. Jesus said that god is love and that the men is the head in the house but not to be described as being a dictaitor in the house, have to honor you wife, that you have to care of your kid thats one part of the creation. like JESUS is Following JEHOVA --thats why he said my father send me here ,so I save you all. Anyone that talk bad about you is not part of me JESUS said. and why the muslin people are so mad like this scientifics that discover new galaxis and bitch about destruction ,Bla , Bla , Bla God is not a destructed god he will destroy those that destroy and will ruing those that ruing the earth. Where the OIL come from like 69% ? From the arab world. well muslins… god is every pissed off at you.

A.Never been to church
B.Thinks the Bible is a good paper weight
C.Just learned how to spell G-O-D
D. Mentally ill

Comment# 2
it is clear that Heaven indeed is invading earth, the draw of the Glory of the drawing heaven to earth, explianing the fluke weather, and is causing the powers of Darkness to manifest . it's very exciting to know our longing for our Lord is drawing him...and Maybe jusdt Maybe the vast nothing is indeed outter Darkness?

A.Was a Tammy Faye follower
B. Is Tammy Faye
C. Thinks Tammy Faye is cute
D. Who is Tammy Faye?

Comment# 3

The reality is that Hell will happen when Jesus return and all evil people will be destry after the first milenium.. but let me tell you what is going on with this Big Empty Hole.. that is the path that will be use by Jesus to return with all his angels and power.. we are close to the end that is why God allow human been to see that Hole now.

A. Digs big empty holes
B. Lives in a big empty hole
C. Plays with their big empty hole
D. What empty hole?

Comment #4
What happens when you cut a big ol fart in an elevator full of people? Everyoneleaves. That's what happened here. God had a BIG bowl of baked beans bakedby 24 angelic beings and those beans were Heavenly. He was so full He took anap and in His sleep He cut a BIG ol fart. Well, that part of Heaven CLEARED OUT!

A. Sniffs his own farts
B. Believes in the second coming of farts
C. Is a fartologist
D. Needs a fartologist

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